Monday, June 09, 2008

Petrol Cham.

Petrol prices have increased by a 70 sen slant. The truth of the matter is, I don't doubt its increase. I mean, I might not be used to it just yet, but I can definitely accommodate to the reception of the idea, as well as the understanding of such. I understand that world oil prices have increased. I also understand that the Thais amongst our other neighbours come on over to fill up their tanks here instead of wherever, leading to an abyss of loss. However, I also understand that the stuff of what we export are champagne oil - refined to the core, whereas we import crude oil for ourselves to meet with our consumption of petrol, vaseline, and tar among other things. As the selling price of our exportations increase, so do our imports. Would that not leave us at the same place we were before? I understand the government can't compensate the loss of 47 billion ringgit a year, but aren't there ways to re-route our government funding? Like the Datuk-Datin holiday trust fund (no discriminating, it happens everywhere), like the scholarships that are only given out to the richly connected kids anyhow. However, I do understand at RM1.70 a litre, we were borderline stealing our petrol - however, take into consideration that the average Malaysian would make RM1000 a month. It barely adds up. It's strange. I'm rambling. But I understand. Whoa, I'm confused.

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